Use nested aggregation to make additional computations
With nested aggregation, you can complete a NRQL query, then make additional computations using the results of that query. Nested aggregation provides NRQL capabilities similar to the class of SQL subqueries or subselects where the subquery is in the FROM clause of the outer query.
This feature is different from our subquery feature, which allows for subqueries in SELECT and WHERE clauses.
Nested aggregation can help you to answer questions like these without building multiple queries:
How can I count the requests per minute for my application, then get the maximum requests per minute for the last hour?
How can I compute the average CPU usage of all my servers or hosts, and list only the ones with usage over 90%?
From all my user sessions, how can I figure out what percentage bounced immediately?
Nested aggregation query structure
Every NRQL query must begin with a SELECT statement or a FROM clause. A nested aggregation query uses both a SELECT statement and a FROM clause and applies them to a whole query or queries contained within parentheses.
A complete and properly formatted nested aggregation query looks something like this:
FROM dataType
WHERE attribute
TIMESERIES integer units
A few other details about query and clause behavior:
Nested queries can have more than two levels.
You can apply both TIMESERIES and FACET to any part of the nested query. They don't have to be identical at all levels.
SINCE, UNTIL, and COMPARE WITH clauses apply to the entire query, and you can only use them at the outermost level.
Nested aggregation query examples
Here are some examples of nested queries:
In this example, the inner query first counts the transactions for myApp for each of the last 60 minutes, then the outer query returns the highest 1-minute request rate.
Also, by giving a name to the result of the first query (as rpm), you can create a label for the value returned. Without adding the label, this query will return the value as count for use in the outer query.
SELECTcount(*)as rpm
WHERE appName ='myApp'
In this example, the inner query calculates the average CPU usage for all hosts, then the outer query filters the results down to only hosts with CPU usage over a risky threshold (90%).
SELECT hostname, cpu
SELECT average(cpuPercent)as cpu
FROM SystemSample
FACET hostname
WHERE cpu >90
In this example, the inner query calculates the number of PageView events in each user session, then the outer query computes what percentage of those sessions only had a single associated view.
In this example, the inner query finds the top entity guids with the slowest average transaction duration. Then, the outer query finds how many of those queries are slower than the threshold. Here, the query selects the top 50 queries, and measures against a duration threshold of 1 second.
SELECT average(duration)AS avgDurations
FACET entity.guid
WHERE avgDurations >1
In this example, there are two nested aggregations. The innermost query finds the average diskWritesPerSecond per hour for each host. The next query finds the maximum average for each host, and the outermost query computes the 50th, 75th, and 99th percentile of those maximums.