Summary data comes from several sources and consists of data representing the current state for the selected applications, hosts, or key transactions.
Summary data values
Summary data is not the same as using summarize
to get an average of metric values. The summary data represents a rolling average for key values. The time base for this average may vary with the data source. It is not controlled by specifying a time range in the New Relic REST API call.
Also, the data presented may correspond to specific metric timeslice data values that can be acquired by other means. However, the summary data will not match those values due to the difference in the time base and the nature of the rolling average.
Application summary examples
New Relic provides summary information for applications as a rolling three- to four-minute average.
To obtain summary data... | Do this... |
For all applications for your account | bash
For a specific application | Include a bash
By using the app ID | Replace bash
Using any of these methods, the output will be similar to this:
{ "applications": [ { "id": 1129082, "name": "My Web Page", "language": "java", "health_status": "green", "reporting": true, "last_reported_at": "2014-07-29T23:45:07+00:00", "application_summary": { "response_time": 304, "throughput": 4570, "error_rate": 0.0016, "apdex_target": 523, "apdex_score": 0.97 }, "end_user_summary": { "response_time": 3.73, "throughput": 0.333, "apdex_target": 0, "apdex_score": 1 }, "settings": { "app_apdex_threshold": 0.5, "end_user_apdex_threshold": 7, "enable_real_user_monitoring": true, "use_server_side_config": true }, "links": { "application_instances": [ 2928655, 3941052, 3940275, 3944066, 3943114, 3943147 ], "alert_policy": 41534, "application_hosts": [ 2927654, 3940051, 3943274, 3943065, 3943513, 3943146 ] } } ]}
Key transaction summary examples
New Relic provides summary information for key transactions as a rolling ten minute average.
You can only obtain summary data for a key transaction. If you want to obtain metric timeslice data for it, use the parent transaction.
To obtain summary data... | Do this... |
For all key transactions for your account | bash
For a specific key transaction | Include a bash
By using the key transaction ID | Replace bash
Using any of these methods, the output will be similar to this:
{ "key_transaction": { "id": 2247, "name": "Customer:Reaction", "transaction_name": "/ws/Reaction", "application_summary": { "response_time": 74.1, "throughput": 98.3, "error_rate": 0, "apdex_target": 0, "apdex_score": 1 }, "links": { "application": 1128081 } }, "links": { "key_transaction.application": "/v2/applications/{application_id}" }}