If you encounter problems logging in to New Relic or using your password, here are some tips.
Don't have a New Relic account yet? Sign up here. It's free!
Can't find data or accounts you expect to see?
If you've successfully logged into New Relic but don't see the accounts or data you expect, see Permissions and access factors.
Password-related troubleshooting
For general information about New Relic passwords, including password requirements, see our password docs.
Here are some tips for password-related issues:
If you've forgotten your password, or if your password doesn't work, request a password reset from New Relic. If you have multiple New Relic logins, ensure you're using the correct password. To reset your password:
Go to New Relic's login page.
Select Forgot your password and follow the instructions.
The password reset link expires after 12 hours. If you don't quickly receive an email from New Relic, check your spam filters, contact your organization's email administrator for troubleshooting suggestions, or get support at support.newrelic.com.
If you forgot your own password or need to request a password reset, you can use our self-service options. Admin-level users cannot reset passwords for other users. If you need to reset another user's password, get support at support.newrelic.com.
If you complete the signup process and are unable to log in due to password error messages, get support at support.newrelic.com.
If you want to change your password but you see a message that the password reset link expired, try using a private browser or clearing your browser cache and cookies.
The password reset link expires after 12 hours. If you don't quickly receive an email from New Relic after you select the reset link, check your spam filters, contact your organization's email administrator for troubleshooting suggestions, or get support at support.newrelic.com.
Email-related troubleshooting
For general information about New Relic email settings, see our email settings docs. Here are some tips for email-related issues:
When you first sign up, we send a confirmation email so you can complete the setup process and sign in. If you cannot locate your original account confirmation email:
Go to New Relic's login page at login.newrelic.com/login.
Select Forgot your password and complete those steps.
If you don't receive an email, check your spam filters. If applicable, add New Relic to your email allow list. If you need more help, get support at support.newrelic.com.
If you complete the signup process and can't log in to your account due to email or password error messages, get support at support.newrelic.com.
You can sign up for and log into New Relic via several third-party service social login options, including Google and GitHub. Because our social login feature works based on your email address, if you change your email address in either the third-party service, in New Relic, or in our associated products Pixie or Codestream, that will result in that login no longer working. If you want to fix that, you'll have to change your email address back to what it was originally.
If you're trying to create a new New Relic organization and receive a message that your email already exists, get support at support.newrelic.com.
If you have used your password reset link but are not redirected to the password reset page, troubleshoot the following:
Your password reset link has expired. You will need to request a new link from the New Relic website.
You are experiencing a caching issue. Clear your browsing cache or use a private browsing window before trying the link again.
Private browsing, also known as incognito mode, is a privacy feature to disable browsing history and the web cache. To open a private browsing window, you can use the keyboard shortcut
on Windows andCommand+Shift+N
on Mac for most browsing applications.If this still doesn't solve your problem, get support at support.newrelic.com.
Other problems and solutions
To avoid having your users accidentally sign up for New Relic and create unwanted New Relic organizations and accounts, you can set up domain capture.
There is a limit on a user's number of sessions and IP addresses. When that limit is exceeded, you'll see an Active session limit reached
message upon login and an option to close open sessions.
If your organization uses a SAML Single Sign On (SSO) solution, you can skip the Password field when you log in. If you need to reset your password, contact your organization's system administrator or IT department as applicable.
If you're an administrator who has recently enabled or made changes to your SAML SSO settings and are unable to log in, there might be an issue with your configuration. Customers on our newer user model can use a special recovery flow to fix any issues. Visit login.newrelic.com/recovery_access to bypass SSO and gain one-time access to your organization.
If you receive failure errors while trying to sign up, a third-party password manager may be triggering New Relic's spam trap. To work around this, try these solutions:
- Bypass your password manager.
- Use a different browser to sign up with New Relic.
- Get support at support.newrelic.com.
With partner accounts, SAML SSO authentication to sign in to New Relic is controlled by the partnership. Depending on the partnership, you may or may not be able to log in directly to New Relic.
If you can't log in from your mobile device, the new user authentication time frame may have expired. You must complete this process within 20 minutes of receiving New Relic's confirmation message for your mobile device.
To solve this problem, request another confirmation message to be sent to your device. Also, depending on your New Relic account, additional installation or authentication steps may be required for your iOS or Android app account.
If you're experiencing login issues with a social provider, you can still sign in with your email and password after completing a password reset.